Audit firm BF Audit

audits and accounting and financial consulting

About BF Audit

BF Audit is entered in the register of auditing firms authorised to carry out financial audits under registration number 4196.

poznaj specjalistów od audytu finansowego


We are a modern audit and advisory company based in Warsaw. BF Audit is composed of specialists coming from the largest international consulting company.

We provide an individual approach and commitment to the project with the support of a team of specialists. We effectively combine the flexibility and efficiency of a small team with a corporate culture of work.


Chartered accountants

Chartered accountants form the core of the BF Audit team. During many years of practice in various projects for the largest domestic and foreign entities, they have gained expert knowledge in managing company’s accounts.

We offer our clients reliable financial audit services and other activities within the scope of a statutory auditor’s competence. We also provide counselling and advisory based on an understanding of individual client needs and business conditions. Our cooperation is based on client-friendly conditions.

Support of a team of specialists

We cooperate closely with experienced tax advisors, legal advisors and specialists in enterprise valuation and financial modelling. We offer comprehensive accounting and transaction advisory services, including legal and tax support.

We give our clients direct access to a variety of tax advisory and legal services for businesses, without the need to involve additional parties or entities.

Our team

A large team of specialists from different fields requires proper coordination. At BF Audyt, experienced managers manage the planning and execution process.